Explore Florence…

Florence, Italy

Florence, Italy

Florence, Italy is by far my favorite place in the world!!! It is an absolute dream city that you could walk around for days and just get lost in it all. I have had the pleasure of visiting Florence twice and would love to return and spend a whole week walking around all of the museums, monuments, cathedrals, art galleries, boutiques and restaurants. Since it is a non-drive zone, it really has the feel of going back in time with the narrow streets, cobblestone sidewalks and carriages passing by. The pictures are absolutely inviting but Florence is a place that you must see for yourself. You will be in awe of the marble sculptures, cathedrals and the indescribable experience.



Florence is the capital city of the Italian region of Tuscany and of the province of Florence. It is the most populous city in Tuscany. Florence has approximately 370,000 residents which increases to over 1.5 million in the metropolitan area. Florence is famous for its history!!! The first time I experienced Florence, I knew I had to bring my husband back because he is a history buff. Known for being the centre of medieval European trade and finance, Florence is one of the wealthiest cities of the time. Florence is the birthplace of the Renaissance.

The historic centre of Florence attracts millions of tourists each year, and in 2009, Euromonitor International ranked the city as the world’s 72nd most visited. Forbes ranked Florenceas one of the most beautiful cities in the world! The city also contains numerous museums and art galleries, such as the Uffizi Gallery and the Pitti Palace. Bet you didn’t know that Florence is important in Italian fashion, as it is ranked in the top fifty fashion capitals of the world.

The picture above is of the Facade of the Cathedral.

The original façade was designed by Arnolfo di Cambio while attributed to Giotto. It all started as a mid 15th century ink drawing in 1587, which is currently on display in the Museum of the Opera del Duomo (located behind the cathedral). This façade was the collective work of several artists which was completed in its lower portion and then left unfinished. It was dismantled in 1587-1588 by the Medici court architect Bernardo Buontalenti. Some of the original sculptures are on display in the Museum Opera del Duomo. The competition for a new façade turned into a huge corruption scandal and it was left bare until the 19th century.

In 1864, a competition was held to design a new façade and was won 7 years later by Emilio De Fabris. Work began in 1876 and completed in 1887. This neo-gothic façade in white, green and red marble forms a harmonious entity with the cathedral. The whole façade is dedicated to the Mother of Christ.


Duomo meaning “Italian Cathedral” can be seen for miles. It is probably the most recognized structure in all of Florence. The Cathedral is located at Piazza Duomo in the historic center of Florence. The cathedral complex, located in Piazza del Duomo, includes the Baptistery and Giotto’s Campanile. We visited the cathedral from the outside, but tours are available. Guided visits are available for the Duomo (€9), its dome, (€11, includes entrance fee), the cathedral terrace (€15, also includes the dome), and Santa Reparata (€9, includes entrance fee). All guided tours last approximately 45 minutes to one hour.

History of the Dome~ In the beginning of the 15th century, after a hundred years of construction, the Florence Cathedral was still missing its dome. The basic features of the dome had been designed by Arnolfo di Cambio in 1296. In 1367, the architectural choice of Neri di Fioravante’s model was chosen over a competing one by Giovanni di Lapo Ghini which was one of the first events of the Italian Renaissance. At the time, the use of buttresses (structure made of brick or stone built against a wall for support or reinforcement) was forbidden in Florence. In August 1418, the Arte della Lana (the wool guild of Florence) announced a structural design competition for erecting Neri’s dome.  Filippo Brunelleschi, a master goldsmith, was chosen.

The Duomo, Cathedral

The Duomo, Cathedral

The dome posed many technical problems.

Bell Tower

Bell Tower

Brunelleschi researched the great dome of the Pantheon in Rome for solutions. There was not enough timber in Tuscany to build the scaffolding and forms.Brunelleschi chose to follow such design and employed a double shell, made of sandstone and marble. He constructed a wooden and brick model with the help of Donatello and Nanni di Banco which is currently displayed in the Museo dell’Opera del Duomo. The model served as a guide for the craftsmen. Construction of the dome started in 1420 and was completed in 1436. The dome was the first octagonal dome in history to be built without a temporary wooden supporting frame.

Palazzo Vecchio

Palazzo Vecchio

The Palazzo Vecchio

The Palazzo Vecchio meaning “Old Palace” is the town hall of Florence. The massive, Romanesque, solid cubicle shaped building with a walled fortress-palace is considered to be the most impressive town hall in all of Tuscany. The location of the fortress-palace is what makes it  one of the most significant public places in Italy. It overlooks the Piazza della Signoria with the replica of Michelangelo’s David statue as well as the gallery of statues in the adjacent Loggia dei Lanzi. The Tower includes three bells, the oldest one was cast in the 13th century.

How did the building come about? The commune and people of Florence decided to build a palace in 1299 that would be worthy of the city’s importance and would provide security to the magistrates. Arnolfo di Cambio, architect, constructed Palazzo Vecchio so that the Uberti family (rebels of Florence and Ghibellines) homes would never be rebuilt on the same location. The tower contains two small cells, which imprisoned Cosimo de’ Medici in 1435 and Girolamo Savonarola in 1498. The tower is named after its designer Torre d’Arnolfo.

The large, one-handed clock was originally constructed by the Florentine Nicolò Bernardo, but was replaced in 1667 by a clock made by Vincenzo Viviani. Most of Palazzo Vecchio is now a museum but remains the symbol of local government housing the office of the mayor of Florence and it is the seat of the City Council since 1872.

Perseus with the Head of Medusa at Loggia dei Lanzi

Perseus with the Head of Medusa at Loggia dei Lanzi

The Perseus with the head of Medusa is quite a violent and interesting sculpture which was created by Benvenuto Cellini’s 1545. The sculpture sits on a square base with bronze relief panels located in the Loggia dei Lanzi of the Piazza della Signoria in Florence, Italy. The piece was introduced to the public on April 27, 1554. Michelangelo’s David, Bandinelli’s Hercules and Cacus, and Donatello’s Judith and Holofernes were already in the piazza.

What is with the snakey head? The sculpture is about the mythological story of Perseus beheading Medusa. Medusa was a hideous woman-faced Gorgon whose hair was turned to snakes and anyone that looked at her was turned to stone. In the sculpture, Perseus stands naked except for a sash and winged sandals, standing on top of Medusa holding her snakey head in his hand. The body of Medusa spews blood from her severed neck. The bronze sculpture is surrounded by three huge marble statues of men: Hercules, David and later Neptune.Cellini was the first sculptor to introduce bronze in Perseus and the head of Medusa in the piazza.

The Loggia dei Lanzi (the arches above the sculptures in the picture) consists of wide arches open to the street.  The wide arches appealed so much to the Florentines, that Michelangelo even proposed that they should be continued all around the Piazza della Signoria. The Loggia dei Lanzi is an open-air sculpture gallery of antique and Renaissance art including the Medici lions.

Cosimo I de' Medici

Cosimo I de’ Medici

Cosimo I de’ Medici – Florence
I find it interesting how the bronze sculptures appear green in color. Why? Bronze alloys contain copper. When bronze oxidizes (comes in contact with water and oxygen) or “rusts”, the process causes the bronze to turn in a green color. More commonly recognized in the Statue of Liberty – due to oxidation.
The bronze equestrian statue of Cosimo I by Giambologna, pictured abovereflects the famous equestrian statue of Marc Aurelius located at the Campidoglio in Rome. It illustrates the relation between the Roman Empire and Florence and Cosimo I himself.
The David

The David

The David (statue of David)
By far the most moving experience in all of Florence is seeing the original David with your own eyes located inside the Galleria dell’Accademia. Unfortunately, photography is not allowed inside the Galleria and therefore I have attached a picture of the replica of The David located in Palazzo Vecchio. The David is known as the world’s most famous statue.
The statue, which is 17 feet tall, was commissioned by the Florentine republic, who saw the biblical hero slaying the giant Goliath as a symbol for the creation of the nascent republic.
The statue was installed in front of the Palazzo Vecchio but in 1873 it was replaced by a replica and moved to the Galleria dell’Accademia to protect it from the elements. Another replica can be found at the center of the Piazzale Michelangelo.
The statue was created by Michelangelo in 1501-1504 from a single block of marble and instantly became admired for its proportions and attention to detail. Michelangelo chose to depict David as an adolescent instead of a young boy. The statue brought instant fame to the 29 year-old Michelangelo.
Ponte Vecchio

The Ponte Vecchio means  “Old Bridge”. It is a Medieval stone closed-spandrel segmental (space between two arches) arch bridge which spans over the Arno River, in Florence. The Ponte Vecchio is unique as it has shops built along it, which used to be common. Butchers originally occupied the shops in the Ponte Vechhio but now they are filled with jewelers, art dealers and souvenir sellers.

Kids in front of Ponte Vecchio

Kids in front of Ponte Vecchio

History of the bridge~ The bridge crosses the Arno at its narrowest point where it is believed that the via Cassia (important Roman road) crossed. When was it built? The bridge first appeared in a document of 996.  It was reconstructed in stone, after being destroyed by a flood in 1117.  In 1333, the Ponte Vecchio was swept away again but two of its central piers were saved. Giorgio Vasari recorded that the bridge was rebuilt in 1345.   that attributed its design to Taddeo Gaddi, besides Giotto one of the few artistic names of the 14th Century still recalled two hundred years later. Modern historians present Neri di Fioravanti as a possible candidate. Displayed in a little gallery at the central opening of the bridge is a weathered dedication stone, which once read Nel trentatrè dopo il mille-trecento, il ponte cadde, per diluvio dell’ acque: poi dieci anni, come al Comun piacque, rifatto fu con questo adornamento, which means “In the thirty-third year following thirteen hundred, the bridge fell, from a watery flood: ten years later, at the pleasure of the Commune, it was rebuilt, with this adornment”. 

Structure of the Ponte Vecchio~ The bridge consists of three sections of arches. The main arch has a span of 98 ft and the two side arches each span 88 ft. The rise of the arches is between 11½ to 14½ feet.

On August 4, 1944, During World War II, the Ponte Vechhio was not destroyed like all other bridges in Florence.  The buildings at both ends of the bridge were destroyed which prevented access . The buildings have since been rebuilt using a combination of original and modern design.

Buca San Giovani

Buca San Giovani

Let’s eat!!!

Ristorante Buca San Giovanni

Ristorante Buca San Giovanni

Finding a restaurant or “ristorante” in Florence is no easy task I must warn you. There are 1797 restaurants in Florence!!! Fortunately, we were on tour and the restaurant was already chosen. We really were fortanute because we experienced the BEST baked lasagna we have ever had in our lives. Ristorante Buca San Giovani opened in 1882 and is located in the Piazza Di San Giovanni. They are open for lunch and dinner and ideally located downtown Florence. It is just steps away from the historical city centre and it’s masterpiece like the Cathedral, Palazzo Vecchio, Uffizi Gallery, Loggia dei Lanzi, Ponte Vecchio,The David at the Accademia. The wine list has a selection of 40 red wines!!! This is compared to the list of White/Pink wine which has 10 selections. Can you say heaven?? One of my favorite things about dining in Italy is that you will almost always have three glass at your setting for lunch or dinner for red wine, white wine and water. Can’t we all dine this way universally?? Here’s the real question, does the food, bread and wine taste better just because you are in Italy? Very well could be.

Buca San Giovanni Label

Buca San Giovanni Label

Since we were in a group, we had the pleasure of dining downstairs which is actually underground~ in the Gallery. It was amazing!! The gallery has red brick ceilings in an arcg form and feels as if you are eating in a wine cellar with wine bottles everywhere you look. Interesting historical fact~ the Buca San Giovanni was the former Sacristy of the Baptistry San Giovanni, before the building of the Cathedral Santa Reparata, later on was a secret meeting place where the Rosa Croce Masons started the activities. Many important people showed at the “Buca” like the Prince of Bulgaria for his bachelor party in the 30’s and th U.S. President John F. Kennedy.

Ristorante San Buca Giovanni

Ristorante San Buca Giovanni

Below you will find a list of some of their highlights~

Crunchy eggplant strudel with Buffalo’s milk mozzarella and grilled cherry tomatoes
Macaroni with meat and mushrooms sauce
Scamorza large raviolis with , saffron potato cream sauce and courgettes
Sliced beef with rocket and Parmesan cheese
Bitter chocolate basket with cream and strawberries


Dry almond biscuits with Vin Santo

Cream pudding with chocolate


Rice pears cake with warm Armagnac cream

Bitter chocolate basket with Chantilly cream and strawberries

Mille-feuille with orange cream and cinnamon

Cheese cake with morellos sauce

Crème caramel with aniseed flavour

Chocolate soft cake with vanilla ice cream


Strawberries coupe

Ice-cream coupe

Movies you ask? Florence is so picturesque that is has been the setting for many movies. Many of the movies are International of course but some that you may be familiar with are The Dark Knight Rises, A Room With a View, Tea With Mussolini, Stay As You Are, Hannibal, The Devil in Love, The Mandrake, My Friends and Romola.

Florence, Italy

Florence, Italy



Shopping!!!! My favorite thing about shopping in Florence is the Italian leather.

I was sniffing purses, belts and wallets everywhere we went. Be sure to look for the label stating “genuine leather made in Italy” as there are a lot of vendors selling knock offs and faux leather.



Money Saving Tips: Don’t buy any knockoff goods from any of the hawkers selling their fake Prada (or any other high-end designer) on the streets. It’s illegal, and fines are astronomical if the police happen to catch you. The police will fine you a hefty fee while the vendors only receives a small fine. Faux leather is pretty easy to detect. Touch, feel and smell the leather. As crazy as that may seem, I opened all the zippers and looked at the lining. If it has a plastic feel to it at all, don’t buy. The vendors on the street, as opposed to in the shops, often times will offer bargains. I bought two leather purses for €10 less than if I would have purchased them individually.

5wheelsto5star was featured in the March 2014 issue of Destinations Travel Magazine

For the Love of Gelato!!!

Gelato in Florence

Gelato in Florence

Gelato in Roma

Gelato in Roma

Throughout the Mediterranean our kids flipped out over gelato!! Everywhere we went, they wanted more and more. In Florence, Italy our daughter ate gelato three times in one day which is not cheap.

Gelato is the Italian word for ice cream, but is it really the same thing as ice cream??? Gelato refers to varieties of ice cream made in a traditional Italian style. Gelato is made with milk, cream, various sugars, and flavoring such as fresh fruit and nut purees. Often times you will see it served in a glass as a parfait or in a dish with whole fruits. In the picture above the gelato is displayed in parfaits. Whether in a cup, on a cone or in a dish~ It’s all amazing!!!

First you must know the gelato lingo!!! Gelati is plural for gelato and Gelateria is where geltao is sold.

Money saving tips: We ate gelato all along the Mediterranean. Be sure to look around and price out the gelato as some gelaterias are located on the same block for twice as much and the one next door. At Piazza Navona in Rome for example, gelato is priced very high within the piazza but if you step a block outside of the piazza you can find it much cheaper and just as good! It’s the same for paella in Spain or wood burning oven pizzas in Rome. When visiting Barcelona, the Mercat de Sant Josep de la Boqueria (The Market) has amazing gelato for much cheaper than purchasing on La Rambla. If you would like to read more about The Market, click on the link Mercat de Sant Josep de la Boqueria on the right hand side under “topics”.

What makes gelato different from ice cream? Gelato is a type of soft ice cream which contains a relatively small amount of air. Gelato in Italy must have at least 3.5% butterfat. The sugar content in homemade gelato, as in ice cream, is balanced with the water content to act as an anti-freeze to prevent it from freezing solid. Several types of sugar are used including sucrose, dextrose, and inverted sugar to control sweetness. Typically, gelato—like any other ice cream—needs a stabilizing base. Egg yolks are used in yellow custard-based gelato flavors, including zabaione (an Italian dessert, or sometimes a beverage, made with egg yolks, sugar, and a sweet wine) and creme caramel, and non-fat milk solids are also added to gelato to stabilize the base. Starches and gums, especially corn starch, are often used to thicken and stabilize the mix.

Mercat de Sant Josep de la Boqueria, Barcelona

Mercat de Sant Josep de la Boqueria, Barcelona

Facts about Gelato~ In the United States there isn’t a standard of definition for gelato set forth by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, as there is for ice cream. Ice cream in the U.S. is defined by the Federal Code both by its ingredients, which includes milk fat of 10% or more, gelato in the U.S. covers a wide range of products including frozen desserts eaten like ice cream; products that are identical to ice cream with the exception of their butterfat contents; and premium ice cream containing butterfat far exceeding the minimums set forth in Italy. Recipes will vary as will the person making it, but most dairy gelato contains 16–24% sugar. Whereas, ice cream in the United States contains 12 to 16% sugar.

Where does gelato come from? The history of gelato dates back to frozen desserts in Sicily, ancient Rome and Egypt which were made from snow and ice brought down from mountaintops and preserved below ground. Then, frozen desserts appeared during banquets at the Medici court in Florence. Bernardo Buontalenti, the Florentine cook, is said to have invented modern ice cream in 1565. He presented his recipe and his innovative refrigerating techniques to Catherine de’ Medici, who in turn brought the novelty to France as Queen consort. In 1686 the Sicilian fisherman Francesco Procopio dei Coltelli perfected the first ice cream machine. Gelato increased in popularity in the 1920s–1930s in the northern Italian city of Varese, where the first gelato cart was developed!!

Interesting Gelato Stat: Italy is the only country where the market share of handmade gelato versus industrial one is over 55%. More than 5,000 modern Italian ice cream parlors employ over 15,000 people today, mostly Italians.

Gelato in Florence

Gelato in Florence

Want to make your own gelato???

Piazza Navona, Roma

Piazza Navona, Roma

Making gelato is similar to making ice cream. There are several steps involved. The mixture for gelato is typically prepared using a hot process first, dissolving sugars. White base is heated to 185 °F completing a pasteurization program. The hot process to make chocolate gelato is basically the same for ice cream and is traditionally flavored with cocoa powder and cocoa butter.

Gelato and some premium ice creams are so dense that they require a slightly higher serving temperature. This is the perfect point in which your scoop is firm but not hard and not so soft that it melts immediately. Gelato recipes usually include more egg yolks, more milk and less cream than ice cream. It actually has less fat than regular ice cream. Gelato’s low overrun (less air) makes for an extremely dense, rich and creamy treat that we all love.

Sorbets are all about the fruit, fruit, fruit. With the absence of milk, cream or eggs, they depend only on sugar, lemon juice and fresh fruit for flavor. Elegantly simple and refreshingly tart, sorbets were the rage during Victorian years, when they were served as palate cleansers between rich, heavy courses. A sorbetto, the more intense Italian version, generally has more fruit and less water, resulting in a softer, less icy texture. Sorbet is all about the FRESH fruit.

Giada’s Chocolate-Hazelnut Gelato

  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup sugar, plus 1/4 cup
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup chocolate-hazelnut spread (recommended: Nutella)
  • 1/2 cup toasted hazelnuts, crushed, for garnish

In a saucepan combine the milk, cream, and 1/2 cup sugar over medium heat. Cook until the sugar dissolves, about 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, in a medium bowl whip the egg yolks with the remaining sugar using an electric mixer until the eggs have become thick and pale yellow, about 4 minutes. Pour 1/2 cup of the warm milk and cream mixture into the egg mixture and stir. Add this mixture back into the saucepan. Cook over very low heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture becomes thick enough to coat the back of a wooden spoon, about 7 to 10 minutes.

Place a strainer over a medium bowl and pour the warm custard mixture through the strainer. Stir in the vanilla and hazelnut spread until it dissolves. Chill mixture completely before pouring into an ice cream maker and follow manufacturer’s instructions to freeze. To serve, scoop gelato into serving bowls and top with hazelnuts.

What type of gelato maker should you buy? Gelato makers can run anywhere from $22.00 – $1200 depending on the brand, size and features. De Longhi GM6000 Gelator Maker with Self-Refrigerating Compressor will cost you about $300! Cuisinart ICE-100 compressor is both an ice cream maker and gelato maker which runs about $251. If you own a KitchenAid mixer, there is an attachment for ice cream which is $85.00. Be sure to research before purchase, check out ratings and read reviews as some of the ice cream makers are for both ice and gelato while others are for frozen yogurt and sorbets. Gelato is made to perfection at a slightly lower temperature than ice cream in Italian Gelaterias; however, it can still be made at home using an ice cream maker.

According to World of Ice Cream, here is the equation for gelato:

Gelato= less fat + no air added = richer taste

Gelato in Barcelona

Gelato in Barcelona

 5wheelsto5star is featured monthly in Destinations Travel Magazine


It’s a Scarf thang……….

Westin Excelsior, Roma

Westin Excelsior, Roma

“Money doesn’t buy elegance. You can take an inexpensive sheath, add a pretty scarf, gray shoes and a wonderful bag, and it will always be elegant.” Carolina Herrera  

Over the Shoulder (left) Loose Wrap (right)

Over the Shoulder (left) Loose Wrap (right)

There are so many things to love about a scarf. They are unisex, for all ages, great for any season, to dress up a beautiful gown or great to throw on with jeans, cover your shoulders in a movie theater or on an airplane and each one is so unique! I love scarves so much that I threw a scarf party where everyone brought a gift bag with a scarf inside, we drew numbers and exchanged. It was a blast!!

Scarf Party

Scarf Party

Basic Black with Bright Scarf using the Slip Knot

Basic Black with Bright Scarf using the Slip Knot

Throughout this post, you will learn various ways to tie or wrap a scarf.

One thing I always bring when traveling…….a scarf because they don’t take up any room in a suitcase!

Scarf with Sarong tie in St. Tropez

Scarf with Sarong tie in St. Tropez

Just roll them up or fold them flat and they can turn one outfit into many. I wear the same basic black pants and black top but make it look different with colored scarves around my neck, waist or shoulders.

On a breezy St. Tropez day I tied a scarf around my waist to keep the dress from blowing around. A scarf, may just be, the most affordable way to change up an outfit! Here’s what I love, you can have on a simple sundress or a pair of jeans- throw on a scarf and instantly feel dressed up! In Europe we would walk and walk for hours and I didn’t want to lug around a heavy sweater so instead, I tucked a scarf into my handbag and pulled it out when the breeze kicked up.

Scarf belt after climbing the Leaning Tower

Scarf belt after climbing the Leaning Tower

Where did scarves come from?

Ancient Rome (of course my favorite country) is one of the first origins of the scarf, where it was not

Silk Scarf using Slip Knot, Ponte Vecchio

Silk Scarf using Slip Knot, Ponte Vecchio

used to keep warm or for fashion, but to keep clean.

During that time it was called sudarium, which means “sweat cloth” in Latin, as they used the scarves to wipe the sweat from your neck and face in the heat. Eww!!! Originally, they were worn by men around their neck or tied to their belt. Then, women started using the scarves, made of cloth, pashmina (fine cashmere wool from India), or silk, and ever since the scarf became fashionable among women!!!!

The scarf became a real fashion accessory by the early 19th century for both men and women. By the middle of the 20th century scarves became one of the most essential and versatile clothing accessories for both men and women.

In recent years, scarves have experienced a revival.

Slip Knot tie - Hi Tea, St Regis Princeville

Slip Knot tie – Hi Tea, St Regis Princeville

1914 The knitting of scarves becomes a patriotic war-time duty in the United States

1930 Fur scarves are at the height of fashion in France

1970 It is popular to wear scarves as a headband across the forehead and wrapped about the waist and chest as shirt

2004 France passes a law that bans the wearing of Muslim head scarves in public schools

2009 AffordableScarves.com goes live

Silk Scarf with Slip Knot- La Boqueria, Barcelona

Silk Scarf with Slip Knot- La Boqueria, Barcelona

The Art of Scarf

Sheer, beaded shawl

Sheer, beaded shawl

Do you wear a scarf the same old, boring way every time?

Head scarf, Barcelona

Head scarf, Barcelona

There are all kinds of chic ways to tie a scarf….personally I like to watch how other people wear them and then mimic. No more mimicking!!! It is time to learn the Art of Scarf.

The Circle/Loop/Infinity Scarf is great because you never have to worry about tying them nor arranging the way it looks. It’s a circle and you can loop it once, twice or three times to adjust the length. Be sure to start off by putting the seam in the back of your neck. I have even tied a circle scarf around my waist which is called a scarf belt tie (shown in the Leaning Tower picture above).

Muffler tie scarf

Muffler tie scarf

Shawls & Wraps are loosely worn over the shoulders, upper body and arms, and

Winter Scarf (Loose Wrap), Park City

Winter Scarf (Loose Wrap), Park City

sometimes also over the head. I wore a shawl to a formal holiday party to cover my shoulders and to dress up the dress. The shawl was sheer black with beaded trim and everyone loved it!

The Head Scarf is great because many of them are made more as headbands with the elastic underneath. However, if you have a small scarf which you would like to tie on your head there are several ways to do so or simply tie

Loop & Tuck Knot

Loop & Tuck Knot

around your ponytail. A scarf is not just simply fashion, they can be practical as well.

Wrap & Tie Knot

Wrap & Tie Knot

Winter Scarves tend to be thicker and therefore can be more difficult to tie without looking bulky. To obtain the look of a loose wrap, put the scarf around your neck with the ends hanging in back and then bring the ends back around evenly to hang down in front.

The Loop & Tuck Knot is a great way to wear a thick, winter scarf. Start off by putting the middle of the scarf in the front of your neck and let the ends of the scarf rest against your back, bring the ends around to the front, tuck them into the loop around your neck and pull down.

The Wrap & Tie is a great way to wear winter scarves because it looks great and it is very warm. Place the scarf at the front of your neck with the ends over your shoulders, cross the ends, and bring them to the front and then tie the sides in a knot at the front of your neck.

The Silk Scarf is a classic, timeless, soft, fluttery, and perfect for all kinds of scarf-tying styles. My favorite scarf is a silk scarf because they don’t get hot, they are light, small and wispy. They look pretty when the wind blows and they are easy enough to shove in a handbag. Here’s the perfect situation for the silk scarf….a day of walking the streets, shopping and then it’s time for mimosas at brunch, a high end lunch or appetizers and wine………so you grab the silk scarf, tie and off you go! I most commonly wear a silk scarf using the Slip Knot. Start by folding the scarf in half, wrap scarf around the back of neck, pull both ends of the scarf through the loop, adjust the scarf to the most comfortably position, and then you can leave the knot close to your neck or pull it further away for a looser fit.

Cape Wrap (Left) Pan Am Scarf Knot (Right)

Cape Wrap (Left) Pan Am Scarf Knot (Right)

Rectangle Scarves are the most versatile, as you can tie or style them in many ways. They are easy to adjust the length by wrapping several times and you can be creative with the type of bow or tie. To obtain the Cape Wrap look: Fold a square or rectangle scarf so the ends meet and form a triangle, place a scarf over your shoulders so that the longest straight end is at the top of your back and two triangles corners meet in front, and then make a square knot with the two ends in front. Then there is a the Pan Am Scarf Knot. To obtain this look: fold a square silk scarf diagonally and bring the ends around to the front of your neck, tie a simple knot with the two scarf corners. Adjust the knot to your liking.

You can also get the Sarong look with a scarf if it is long enough. I love to wrap scarves around my waist when they have fringe- as in the St. Tropez picture. Sarong tie: open the scarf wide and wrap around your hips and pull the ends to one side or in the front and tie to secure.

Chain Knot

Chain Knot

The Chain Knot looks great when your hair is up. The ends of the scarf drape down your back for a very elegant

Four-in-Hand Knot

Four-in-Hand Knot

look. The Chain Knot looks best with a silk, rayon or fancy scarf. To get the chain knot look, drape the scarf around the back of your neck, then bring the sides evenly to the front and wrap them around each other twice in a twisting motion, and pull the ends to the back of your neck and them in a knot.

Four-in-Hand tie is a more sophisticated look and easy to accomplish. It may be too bulky of a tie for a thick scarf but works well with then scarves. First, fold the scarf in half and place the scarf around the back of neck with a loop on one side, pull one end through the loop and twist loop and then pull the other end of the scarf through the loop.

The next tie is called the Cowboy Bolo Tie which can be dressed down with a T-shirt or dressed up for the evening with a blouse or dress. I would recommend a thin or medium scarf for this type of knot rather than a thick, winter scarf as it would be too bulky around your neck. Before you put the scarf on your neck, find the center and tie a loose knot. Then put the loose knot in the middle of your neck and hang the ends down your back. Grab the ends, bring them around to the front and tie a loose knot a few inches below the first knot. Play with it and adjust it in a mirror to find your perfect fit!

Cowboy Bolo

Cowboy Bolo

The Cowboy Bolo Tie is a great way to wear a scarf with an open jacket or blazer. It gives the scarf a little pizazz rather than just having two ends hang down in front. This is the perfect scarf tie for jeans and boots!!! Men aren’t the only one who can pull off a bolo tie.

Knot Row

Knot Row

The Knot Row is fun and very easy. You just take a long scarf, wrap around your neck with the ends hanging down and begin to tie knots in a row. Tie as many knots as you like but be sure to always tie them the same way. For example tuck the right end through each time or the left end through each time but do not rotate or the knots will not appear to be smooth.

It’s fun to mix up your scarves. Throw two or three together and color to a solid outfit. If you have a really loud or bright scarf, it helps to tone it down by adding a second, solid colored scarf.

The Double Boho Tie is perfect when using two scarfs!!! Take two scarves which are similar in length, they don’t have to be similar style such as fringe, beaded, sequins, etc. Put the two scarves together and place the center at your neck and throw the ends to your back. Take all four ends and bring them to the front and tie a loose knot. It is probably the most simple scarf knot to tie but looks quite complicated. I would not recommend using a thick, winter scarf when doubling up. It would be way to bulky and hot!

Double Boho Tie

Double Boho Tie

Why belt a scarf? Some scarves are extremely long and difficult because the hang even after tying a knot. A great way to work with a long scarf is to belt it at the waist or go for an empire look. Scarves are so fashionable that you can even purchase a belt made out of a scarf!

Belted Scarf

Belted Scarf

The scarves that look really good belted, in my opinion, are the ones with fringe at the end. Let the fringe just hang and move about as you walk or blow in the breeze. Scarves are an accessory, as belts, purses and earrings are.  Mixing and matching accessories is what it is all about. I have also seen scarves wore as an accessory under a belt. Tie a silk or satin scarf around your waist and then put a thin leather belt over it for a bohemian look.

Shawl Scarf, Piazza Navona, Roma

Shawl Scarf, Piazza Navona, Roma

Storing scarves

photo (38)I like to store my scarves by season. I have all of the winter scarves in one storage container while the summer scarves hang in my closet since I live in a tropical climate and wear those most. There are extra steps you should take when storing scarves to prevent damage from bugs, pets, and dirt. Be sure to wash scarves prior to storing them away for a season. If you live in a rather humid climate, it is best to put each scarf in a plastic bag before putting into a storage container. This will prevent mildewing and keep bugs away.

As pretty as scarves look when they are hanging in your room or over a folding screen, do not expose to direct sunlight. This can cause discoloration and fading.

Our furry friends love to play with and make a bed out of scarves. Some cats may bite and play with the fringe hanging from a scarf which can cause them to snag. Keep your scarves out of your pet’s reach.

If you prefer to hang your scarves, purchase an accessory hanger which has holes on it that you loop scarves through. It prevents the scarves from fading into each other, sticking together or snagging in the case of sequins.

Skinny Scarf

Skinny Scarf

Purchasing Scarves

How do we choose which scarves which would best complement our outfits or skin tones? And even more difficult, how do we choose which scarf would be best to gift to a friend or relative? Do you know which colors wash us out and which really make us light up? We all want to know which colors make us look best year round. I have listed some colors below based on seasons. You can also research “color pallets” which will provide further color detail.

Clear Winter: Pink, Ocean Blue, Lemon, Bright Purple, Turquoise, Amethyst, Red, Canary, Black, Off-White, Dark Blue

Cool Winter: Raspberry, Silver, Turquoise, Amethyst, Crimson, Black, Off-White, Bright Pink

Deep Winter: Silver, Ocean Blue, Crimson, Black, Lavender

Deep Autumn: Mango, Copper

Warm Autumn: Mango, Sage, Peach, Red

Soft Autumn: Pistachio, Off-White

Clear Spring: Kiwi, Navy, Ocean Blue, Mango, Tangerine, Turquoise, Vanilla, Blueberry, Peach, White

Soft Summer: Amethyst, Lavender Tea, Vanilla, Peach, Pistachio

Scarves by Jewell are on trend with the seasons fashions

Jewell Scarf

Jewell Scarf

Jewell Scarf

Jewell Scarf

Striking, and simply sophisticated, a Jewell scarf is the ultimate layering piece to finish your look and instantly freshen your current wardrobe. Make Jewell apart of your wardrobe this season and Jewell will give a 10% product donation to Dress for Success, a national organization that helps woman in need feel confident and fabulous as they enter the Job market. To view Jewell’s full line of scarves please contact Melissa, at www.bagtrendboutique@gmail.com

Jewell Scarf

Jewell Scarf

Trevi Fountain, Roma


You must see The Trevi Fountain, Fontana di Trevi, in person!! Pitcures of the fountain do not capture size nor the details in the marble and travertine. The fountain is 85.28 feet high and 160.72 feet wide, spilling over 2 million cubic feet of water each day.  The fountain is a display of ancient roman acqueduct termination and constructed of carrara marble and travertine.

In the center of the fountain you will see a statue of Ocean which was carved by Pietro Bracci standing under the trymphal arch. When viewing the fountain, you will see a statue of Abundance to the left and on the right side, a statue of Health.

Drink stand by fountain

Drink stand by fountain

The Trevi Fountain was within walking distance of our hotel. The walk there was nice on a sunny day in September. The legend of the Trevi Fountain is that you are to throw 3 coins into the fountain over your shoulder and

Fontana di Trevi

Fontana di Trevi

then you will be ensured a return to Rome! Must be true as I threw the coin in the fountain in September 2011 and I ended up back in Rome less than a year later in June 2012. There is a famous song called ‘Three Coins in the Fountain’.

For more information on the meaning of the inscriptions on the fountain and history, please visit http://www.trevifountain.net/

Fontana di Trevi

Fontana di Trevi

$$ saving tips: It is free of charge to view the fountain. There are an abundance of cute boutiques and restaurants tucked in alleyways all around the fountain. Most of the bistros advertise their original pizza by having waiters stand out on the street waving you in. As we stopped off in wood shop to purchase a Pinocchio ornament, the manager said to be very careful of where we ate as many of the restaurants serve pizza made from frozen dough and charge a lot of money due to the location near the fountain. He gave us the tip to look in the restaurant for a wood burning oven and ask to see it if they say they have one. His advice was great! That way we knew where to order authentic Italian pizza made in a wood burning oven.

5wheelsto5star was featured in the March 2014 issue of Destinations Travel Magazine

Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy

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Leaning Tower of Pisa

You may recall hearing the stories about The Leaning Tower of Pisa in history. The tower was originally designed in 1173 to be perfectly vertical, but started to lean during construction and was eventually completed in 1399. The tower originally stood at 60 meters high and now is 56.67 meters at the highest point and 55.86 meters at the lower end. The tower leans at a 10 degree angle. The Italian name for the tower is Torre Pendente di Pisa. The leaning Tower of Pisa is medieval architecture, in Romanesque style. The tower was built in two phases, which included a total of 5 architects. The tower weighs approximately 14,500 tons. The Leaning Tower is the Piazza’s crowning glory.


View from top of the Leaning Tower

Climbing the tower: There are 297 steps that you must climb to get to the top of the Leaning

Top of Leaning Tower

Tower. A purchased ticket to view the tower has a specific time to enter, in 30 minute intervals. It is important to note that if you will only be in Pisa for one day, you should visit the tower in the morning to ensure your ticket for the day. Depending on how busy it is that day, your ticket may be for several hours out or even sold out for the day. The second time I went to Pisa, we were on a tour which arrived in the afternoon and only allowed two hours to explore. When we went to purchase a ticket to climb the tower, the first available was three hours out and our tour would already be gone. My family was devastated to travel all the way to Pisa, just to be turned away. The afternoon is quite busy in Pisa. Keep in mind that buses drop tourists off constantly throughout the day. We wasted an entire 30 minutes of our 2 hours at the Square just waiting in line at the bathroom. If possible, use the restroom outside of the square. When purchasing a ticket, they require that all bags, purses and any belongings be checked into a locker (for a fee) prior to entering the tower. If you have asthma, I recommend bringing your inhaler into the tower. I didn’t think to bring mine and left it behind in my purse – big mistake. When climbing the tower, there aren’t any railings to hold on to and it is very narrow with people passing as they are coming down. It is odd climbing up steps which aren’t level and it can cause dizziness climbing in a circle for 297 steps. Nonetheless, it is worth it when you get to the top! The view is unbelievable and you can see the entire square. Bring your camera to take pictures at the top.

The Square of Miracles

The Square of Miracles

The Square of Miracles


Duomo di Pisa

There are four buildings that make up the cathedral complex in Pisa, Italy, called Campo dei Miracoli or Piazza dei Miracoli, which means Field of Miracles. The cathedral, or Duomo di Pisa, was the first building constructed at Campo dei Miracoli, Pisa, which rests on a white marble pavement and is an impressive example of Romanesque architecture. Just west of the dome, lies the next building added which is the baptistery. Then work on the campanile began. Before the work on the campanile was completed the cemetery, Campo Santo, was built.This Piazza is the most phenomenal display of Romanesque architecture in Italy. The cathedral is faced in gray-and-white striped marble and bristling with columns and arches. It has a curiously Islamic dome and matching domed baptistery, which rises from an emerald green lawn. Flanking one side of the piazza, the camposanto, or cemetery, is a gracefully elongated cloister enclosing a burial ground with earth reputedly brought back during the Crusades from Golgotha, the hill where Jesus was crucified, so that noble Pisans could rest in holy ground.


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Lawn in front of cathedral

There is a large area of lawn at the Square which is a great way to unwind after being cooped up on a long bus or car ride to reach the Tower. Tourists were sitting around on the lawn enjoying a drink, taking pictures of the enormous structures all the while kids were running around. The lawn area is very inviting.


Shopping in the Square

$$ saving tips: Vendors set up at tables along the walk to the Square selling various items such as snow globes, aprons, purses, plates with the tower on them, etc. Many of the vendors sell the same items, so be sure to check prices at each table prior to purchasing. The shopping area is filled with high priced souvenirs, so be sure to compare prices with vendors located right outside the square. Rather than sitting down and eating a meal outside the square, you can grab a piece of fruit and a bottled water or coffee from one of the vendors and make your way into the Square. If you are there for a limited amount of time, don’t waste time eating lunch. Go straight to the tower to purchase the ticket to go inside.

5wheelsto5star was featured in the March 2014 issue of Destinations Travel Magazine

Piazza Navona, Roma, Italy

Piazza navona square

While in Rome, you must stop off at the Piazza Navona Square which includes the famous Fountain of Four Rivers, music, gelatto, shopping and restaurants. The double decker bus conveniently stops off at the Piazza. Navona Square is exactly how Italy is portrayed in romantic movies with Italian music playing all around.

IMG00046-20100912-1258We rode the bus there and spent the entire day roaming around the square. The Piazza is a great place to take photos of the ancient buildings and statues and wander around for the day. We ate our way through the square with lunch, gelato and then cannoli.

The square is great for everyone, as we have taken our kids as well as my grandmother. There are many sidewalk cafes and bistros with shaded areas to sit as you walk along the square.


DSC07812Navona Square, the most beautiful baroque square in Rome, sits on the ancient ring of the Stadium of Domitian – also known as Circus Agonalis – built in 85 AD to host Greek athletic events, agones, with the typical rectangular shape of the arena with its curved northern side.

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Surrounded by two imposing travertine arcades, decorated with Ionian and Corinthian capitals, it could host up to 30,000 people, who accessed through the two main entrances located in the middle of its longer sides. The square came back to life in the second half of the 15th century, when it started to host the market. In 1485, it was paved to favour the several festivals and processions that were starting to take place there more and more often.

IMG00041-20100912-1142In the 16th century, the square was enriched with the fountains donated by Pope Gregory XIII Boncompagni; then, Pope Innocent X ordered the construction of the majestic Pamphili Palace on the land owned by his family. The Palace was built by Girolamo Rainaldi and embellished by marvellous frescos, a Gallery by Borromini and several art works.

Kaylee and Robbie at the Fountain of Four Rivers, Roma

The Fountain of Four Rivers, Roma


The Fountain of the Four Rivers (Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi), unveiled in 1651, is definitely one of the most beautiful and famous monuments in baroque Rome and represents the four major rivers known at the time. The Ganges, Nile, Danube and Plate: four white marble, 5-metre high statues located on travertine juts. The Nile, by G.A.Fancelli, has its head draped because its source was unknown at the time. However, the population thought that it expressed Bernini’s contempt for the nearby church of Sant’Agnese in Agone, designed by his rival Borromini, as the Rio de la Plata’s arm raised to protect its head, by Francesco Baratta, ironically expressed the artist’s fear that the church may collapse.
However, these rumours are totally groundless because Bernini finished the fountain before Borromini started the church. Finally, the Ganges is by Claude Poussin, while the Danube is by Antonio Raggi.

caprese salad$$ saving tips: There are great restaurants located right outside of the Piazza which are far less expensive than eating inside the square. We were craving authentic, Italian pizza so our tour guide recommended a restaurant called Ristorante Pizzeria Zio Ciro, where all of the pizzas are cooked in their wood burning oven. They make homemade sausages to put on top of the pizza and they have pastas, salads, seafood and more. Everything we ordered was fresh and fabulous along with a cold beer! Take the double decker bus to the Piazza!! It is a fun and inexpensive way to see Rome and take pictures.


Zi Ciro pizza romaKaylee's pasta romaIMG00044-20100912-1231

We stumbled upon really cute boutiques walking down the side streets. Many of the shops had great sale racks tucked in the back.

5wheelsto5star was featured in the March 2014 issue of Destinations Travel Magazine


Pizza Making in Sorrento, Italy

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Europe - 107 SorentoThe drive to Sorrento from Naples is unbelievably breathtaking along cliffs overlooking the Bay of Naples and you will get a chance to take fantastic pictures of Mt. Vesuvius. We were in Sorrento for just a day and found pizza making for the whole family at Ristorante Tasso. The restaurant is very open with inside or patio seating. While eating, sipping wine or waiting for your pizza to cook, you can watch the people walking about the town.

tasso wine

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The pizza making started out with an Italian waiter demonstrating how to make pizza and describing the meaning behind the Margarita Pizza (colors of the Italian flag). The table was set up with a pan, dough, sauce, mozzarella cheese, and fresh basil. The kids loved making their own pizzas and then handing them off to a wood burning oven. Tasso also makes their own wines and with our tour came an array of white wine selections throughout our lunch.

Mario Batali’s Authentic Margherita Pizza 

1/2 recipe pizza dough, recipe follows

Unbleached all-purpose flour for rolling the dough and coating the peel

2 cups Quick Marinara Sauce, recipe follows

4 ounces fresh mozzarella, thinly sliced

1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

Freshly ground black pepper

10 basil leaves, washed

Punch down the dough, divide in 1/2 and loosely form 2 balls. Place 1 ball in a well-greased plastic storage bag and store in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Place the other on a floured surface, cover with a large inverted bowl, and allow to rest for 15 minutes.

Place a large baking stone on the oven’s lowest rack and preheat to 400 degrees F.

Generously dust a wooden peel with flour and place dough on the peel. Make a disk shape by pressing dough with the heel of your hands, rotating the dough between presses. Continue to press and stretch dough into a 12-inch circle, about 1/8-inch thick. Spread the sauce on the pizza in a thin, even layer, making sure to leave a 1/4-inch border around the edges of the pizza. Season with salt and pepper. Top with the mozzarella.

Slide the pizza onto the baking stone and bake for 10 to 14 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and bubbly and the bottom of the crust begins to brown.

Remove from the oven, tear the basil leaves and scatter over the pizza. Slice with a pizza wheel and serve immediately.


1 cup tepid water

3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, plus more as needed

2 teaspoons sugar

1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt

3 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for kneading

1 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast

Stir the water, oil, sugar, and salt in a liquid measuring cup until the sugar dissolves. Whisk the flour and yeast in a large bowl, make a well in the center and add the liquid mixture. With a wooden spoon or your hand, gradually stir the flour into the liquid to make a rough dough. Pull the dough together into a ball, (if there is a bit of flour left, don’t fret).

Turn the dough out onto a clean work surface dusted with flour. Knead until the dough is smooth and elastic, about 5 minutes, using more flour if necessary to keep from sticking. Divide into 4 equal portions, form into balls, and put on a lightly oiled baking sheet. Brush the tops of the dough with oil, cover with plastic wrap, and set aside to rise at room temperature until doubled, about 45 minutes.

Yield:  1 (12-inch) pizza dough

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Inactive Prep Time: 45 minutes


2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

1/4 medium onion, diced (about 3 tablespoons)

3 cloves garlic, chopped

3 1/2 cups whole, peeled, canned tomatoes in puree (about 1 (28-ounce) can) roughly chopped

Sprig fresh thyme

Sprig fresh basil

2 teaspoons kosher salt

Freshly ground black pepper

Heat the oil in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Sauté the onion and garlic, stirring, until lightly browned, about 3 minutes. Add the tomatoes and the herb sprigs and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer, covered, for 10 minutes.

Remove and discard the herb sprigs. Stir in the salt and season with pepper, to taste. Use now, store covered in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, or freeze for up to 2 months.

Yield: about 3 1/2 cups

Prep Time: about 15 minutes

Cook Time: under 15 minutes

Sorrento is a very quaint town with a bunch of small shops, hotels and places to eat. Many of the buildings are painted yellow with huge lemons everywhere. There are shops on every corner which sell Limón cello and offer samples.

Sorrento lemonsAs we made our way through the shops, we stumbled along a store called Gioia Company which specializes in Inlaid Wood and provides tours. We purchased inlaid wood coasters as souvenirs for around 12€ each. The store will ship items to your home address as well.


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$$ saving tips: Take advantage of sampling the Limon cello. We went from shop to shop and sampled Limón chocolate, lemon candies and Limón cello. The kids ordered a frozen Limon drink which was much like a frozen lemonade. In reviewing the prices for pizza on the menu at Ristorante Tasso, it is much more cost effective to take the tour which comes with pizza, wine and dessert.

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Sorrento (Neapolitan: Surriento) is a small town in Campania, southern Italy, with some 16,500 inhabitants. It is a popular tourist destination which can be reached easily from Naples and Pompeii, as it lies at the south-eastern end of the Circumvesuviana rail line. The town overlooks the Bay of Naples as the key place of the Sorrentine Peninsula, and many viewpoints allow sight of Naples itself, Vesuvius and the Isle of Capri.

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The Amalfi Drive (connecting Sorrento and Amalfi) is a narrow road that threads along the high cliffs above the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Ferry boats and hydrofoils provide services to Naples, Amalfi, Positano, Capri and Ischia. Sorrento’s sea cliffs and luxury hotels have attracted notable people, including Enrico Caruso and Luciano Pavarotti.

Sorrento is famous for the production of limoncello, a digestif made from lemon rinds, alcohol, water and sugar. Other agricultural production includes citrus fruit, wine, nuts and olives. Wood craftsmanship is also developed.


5wheelsto5star is featured monthly in Destinations Travel Magazine

Roma, Italy

National Monument to Victor Emmanuel II

National Monument to Victor Emmanuel II

On our walking tour through Rome, we were in awe of the Victor Emmanuel II Monument and just had to take a family picture in front of the large gates.

The Altare della Patria (Altar of the Fatherland) also known as the Monumento Nazionale a Vittorio Emanuele II (National Monument to Victor Emmanuel II) or “Il Vittoriano” is a monument built in honour of Victor Emmanuel, the first king of a unified Italy, located in Rome, Italy

Europe 612The Coliseum was one of the main reasons that we chose to visit Roma, Italy. The history of the Coliseum is fascinating of course, but we weren’t sure if the kids would find touring the Amphitheatre as exciting as we would. Prior to touring the Coliseum we took the kids to 3D Rewind Rome tour which shows what life was like for the gladiators Hollywood style.

Espresso picIt takes you back to the time of 310 AD as you put on your 3D glasses and see what life was like as a gladiator through animation! The movie includes fighting scenes between the gladiators and shows the enormous crowds of people who would show up to the event. The museum is located around the corner from the Coliseum and you can purchase tickets the same day.

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After viewing the 3D movie, you enter into a glass elevator which lowers down to show what type of environment the lions were kept in and where the gladiators were fed rations. After the tour, the kids can try on costumes, view ancient artifacts and there is even an espresso bar for adults! We were very excited to view the Coliseum after taking the 3D Rewind tour as the stories of the gladiators were fresh in our mind.

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We took a walking tour around the outside of the Coliseum. It was very interesting and not too long for the kids. However, it was about 90 degrees standing in the sun and I would highly recommend taking the tour in the morning in the summertime. There are tours which are more extinsive and take you through the inside of the Coliseum.


The Roman Coliseum or Coliseum, originally known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, was commissioned in AD 72 by Emperor Vespasian.  It was completed by his son, Titus, in 80, with later improvements by Domitian.
The Coliseum is located just east of the Roman Forum and was built to a practical design,  with its 80 arched entrances allowing easy access to 55,000 spectators, who were seated according to rank. The Coliseum is huge, an ellipse 188m long and 156 wide. Originally 240 masts were attached to stone corbels on the 4th level.

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As we made our way to the Roman Forum, which I had seen many times in pictures, you just can’t imagine how large the structures really are and how close they are. There is a fence around the Forum buildings but you are still very close and can take great photos. To see the anchient buildings with a town and people now built all around it seem surreal. You can envision how the Forum came to life at one time, as the city’s most important public building.

The Roman Forum (Forum Romanum) was the central area of the city around which ancient Rome developed. Here was where commerce, business, prostitution, cult and the administration of justice took place. Space where religious activities were conducted and the communal hearth of the city.

Roman forum picForum picThe Roman Forum was designed by the architect Vitruvius with proportions 3:2 (length to width). The Arch of Septimius Severus, built in AD203 and the Roman Forum Rostra or platforms for public speeches. The reliefs on the triple arch represented many of Rome’s victories over oriental tribes and the Rostra was decorated with prows of warships captured during battles. The Roman Forum became the spectacular showcase of the Roman Empire filled with beautiful statues and architecture.

Europe 631The main sight of the Forum include the Arch of Titus (Arco di Tito), the Temple of Saturn, Temple of Vesta, and the church of San Luca e Martina. These are all linked by the Sacra Via, the main road through the Forum.

Spanish Steps

Spanish Steps

The Spanish Steps were in walking distance to our hotel in Rome. We decided to talk there and check them out.

History: The Spanish Steps, Scalinata della Trinità dei Monti, are a set of steps in Rome, Italy, located between the Piazza di Spagna at the base and Piazza Trinità dei Monti, with the Trinità dei Monti church at the top. These set of stairs are the widest in Europe.

This stairway consists of 135 steps and was built with French diplomat Étienne Gueffier’s money of 20,000 scudi, in 1723–1725. The stairs were designed to  link the Bourbon Spanish Embassy and the Trinità dei Monti church to the Holy See in Palazzo Monaldeschi located at the bottom of the stairs. The Spanish Steps were designed by architects Francesco de Sanctis and Alessandro Specchi.

Spanish Steps

Spanish Steps

$$ saving tips: It was an extremely hot day in June and we were grabbing Panini’s at carts on the sidewalk as we walked around with our tour guide. The Panini’s were very filling and cost only 2€ in comparison to stopping and eating in a touristy area restaurant. We made sure to carry bottled waters in a bag that we took turns carrying. It is cheaper to purchase a tour of the outside of the Coliseum or walk around it on your own for free! The guided tour which takes you on the inside is more expensive. If you are near the Spanish Steps, than I would make it a point to see them or walk on them. It wasn’t my favorite part of Rome. It was so hot and crowded there. They didn’t allow you to eat on the steps, so we had to leave with our ice cream cone and then come back. There really isn’t anything to do there but sit on the steps, that is, if you can even find a seat. However, there is a ton of high end shopping around the steps. If you are not up for high end shopping, just walk around and visit the coffee shops and window shop. Great leather shoes down some of the alley ways. The Spanish Steps are free to visit and just walking distance from the Trevi Fountain!!!

5wheelsto5star was featured in the March 2014 issue of Destinations Travel Magazine