Château de Versailles


While visiting Paris, The Palace of Versailles was top on our list of sites to see. I grew up following my mom around from home tour to home tour, and listening to Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous playing in the background, so maybe it is in my blood? When I became an adult, I loved attending home tours put on by benefits and charities. To this day, I am fascinated by palaces and mansions.

Plan on taking your time going through Versailles. Don’t plan Versailles and other sites on the same day. Similiar to that of the Lourve, Windsor Castle, or Vatican, it is not something you can rush through.

The Palace of Versailles is located 13 miles outside of Paris which takes approximately 38 minutes by car. It is a World Heritage Site and noted as a great achievement of French 17th century art. To say that this blog post covers a fraction of the Palace would be a gross exaggeration. To put it in perspective, the Palace is capable of holding up to 20,000 people, 700 rooms, more than 2,000 windows, 1,250 fireplaces, and 67 staircases, spread over 26,000 acres. Throughout the years, Versailles has undergone many phases of restoration and construction. I won’t dive too deep into the various renovations. I recommend booking a tour to avoid the overwhelming feeling when you step foot onto grounds and ask yourself, “Where do I begin?” We booked a tour which included transportation to and from Paris. The great thing about group tours is that generally, they include free time to explore.


I love the picture above so much, that it is the screen saver on my laptop to which I view daily. One thing to note, we toured the Palace of Versailles in December and from the pictures it was overcast, gloomy and cold. I always use my own photographs when blogging, which takes me right back to the exact moment, temperature of the day and experience. I travel vicariously through my own memories via photographs.

If planning a trip to Versailles, do research to consider the best time of year, weather and crowds. I loved visiting the Palace in December. While I don’t have any other time of year to compare it to, I can say that it was not crowded. There is something magical about entering the palace, bundled up in heavy coats and boots with gloomy skies. The only disadvantage I can think of, is that we were too cold to spend much time walking about the beautiful gardens.

Background~ When the château was built, Versailles was just a small village in the 11th century. Today, Versailles is a wealthy area outside of Paris. The fascination with the palace is not just its mere grandeur, it is the history of political power, The French Revolution, Louis XIV and the royal family dating back to 1682.


Gate of Honour

The picture above is the Gate of Honor which can be seen from the three main avenues that meet to form the Place d’Armes. 10 million people walk through this gate annually to tour the estate! The original gate was made of 80m of wrought iron and gold leaf. The picture above is an exact replica which cost £4 million, over two years to contruct and 100,000 gold leaves formed in the shape of crowns, makes of Apollo, and cornucopia. The original Gate of Honour was created in the 1680’s.


Queen’s bedchamber in the Grand Appartement de la Reine

The grand appartement de la reine was the residence of three queens of France to include Marie Therese d’Autriche, Marie Leszczynska, and Marie-Antoinette. The apartment represented heroines from years past while adding balance to the room’s decor.  The apartment consisted of seven rooms with doorways in line on the left-wing while the right-wing was almost an exact layout of the grand appartement du roi.


Ministers Courtyard

The palace has a massive cobblestone courtyard, above, which opens up to gorgeous, detailed, architecturally designed buildings to make up the Ministers Courtyard. The name represents the two long ministerial buildings standing on either side. The Versailles chapel, located in the center of the courtyard is assessable from inside the palace. I enjoyed walking through the courtyard and looking up, taking in the size and detail of each structure.


Bronze Statue of the Rhone River

Fe Brun and Le Nôtre collaborated on the numerous fountains at the palace.


The Mercury Room

The Mercury Room, also known as the Mercury Salon, is located in the King’s Grand Apartment. The room is fascinating as it houses the original, royal bedchamber in the State Apartments. It is referred to as “the bedroom”. The room is decorated with tables, mirrors, andirons (metal supports that hold wood in a fire-place) and chandeliers made of silver. The nook is separated from the rest of the room by a terrace made of silver. While much of the furniture in the Mercury Room has been recreated, the bed is the original bed that was placed by Louis-Philippe when he transformed Versailles from a royal residence into a museum.



The Palace of Versailles, as we know it today, was completed by the death of Louis XIV in 1715. There are two enormous asymmetrical wings on either side of the Royal Court totaling 1,319 ft in length. 


Chapels at Versailles~ I love touring cathedrals and chapels throughout Europe, taking in the columns, colored marble, ornate detail throughout, and of course the murals. The ceiling in the chapel is breathtaking.

Since the palace began, five versions of the chapel at Versailles have evolved. The current chapel, located at the south end of the north wing, is The Chapel of the Palace of Versailles, the last major project for Louis XIV. The Chapel represents French Baroque architecture and ministerial decoration. The Chapel was dedicated to Saint Louis, patron saint of the Bourbons.


Galerie des Glaces

The Hall of Mirrors~ I have to say the most popular room seems to be The Hall of Mirrors, whose construction began in 1678. The picture does not do it justice. Obtaining a picture without anyone in it is nearly an impossible feat! As you can see, I managed between the tours. The official name is ~ The Galerie des Glaces, perhaps the most celebrated room in the château of Versailles. Jules Hardouin-Mansart replaced Le Vau’s large terrace, facing the garden on the west, with the most famous room of the palace, the Hall of Mirrors. The Hall of Mirrors north side displays art work inspired by the Salon of War, depicting the king’s victory against a European coalition.  While the south side of the Hall, displays art work inspired by a Salon of Peace. It is famous for many of the ceremonies of the French Court during the Ancient Regime. There are numerous renditions around the world, but there is only one Hall of Mirrors. Comparable to being in Florence and settling for the replica of the Statue of David.


Gardens of Versailles

The Gardens of Versailles~ The gardens represent a French formal garden known as jardin à la française. The garden has a specific style in a way of calling nature to order. Notice the symmetric lines, the garden was designed by Andre Le Notre for Louis XIV. We would have loved to have spent more time exploring the gardens but it was so cold in December. Nonetheless, they were very beautiful even in December.

Interesting Facts~ 181 films have been shot at the Palace of Versailles. A television series called Versailles set during the construction of the Palace in Louis XIV’s reign premiered on November 16, 2015 in France and later in Canada, Britain and the U.S. Dior filmed one of the most glamorous commercials in the Hall of Mirrors featuring actress Charlize Theron advertising the fragrance J’Adore at the Palace of Versailles in 2012 to Depeche Mode’s song Enjoy the Silence.


Versailles is definitely worth the time that it takes to tour the grounds. Make a day of it!

See the world

Off to Champagne Region- Reims, France



“In Success you deserve it and in defeat, you need it,”
Winston Churchill understood the true value of Champagne

My bucket list is long, so I thought I’d start tackling some of the items when I turned 40! Why not? On my 40th birthday I wanted to experience Champagne tasting in France!! So off we went to Paris and planned a day trip to Reims. Reims, Épernay and Ay, are the center of Champagne production and home to some of the largest Champagne-producing houses headquarters in the world such as Mumm, Moet, Pommery, Taittinger and Chandon. It was time to book a day of Champagne tasting and tours. Unbeknownst to a tourist driving through the town, Champagne ages in the many caves and tunnels carved from chalk, spanning 250km under the city forming a maze. People come from all over to press grapes after harvest to get vin de cuvee, the first press. The second press is called vin de taille which is a lower quality but richer in tannins, so depends what your preference is.


Champagne A. Bergere

Champagne A. Bergere

We booked a tour to Reims, located approximately 2 hours outside of Paris. It was supposed to include a visit to three tasting houses but one of them was closed. It is very interesting how it works. You really don’t know which tasting house you will end up at until you actually get there because it is all regulated.  The tour also included a fabulous lunch with wine, of course. Who knew that Champagne had so many regulations? Champagne is a type of white wine made from only one type of grape- the black grape (AKA red grape). Not just any black grape, the two grapes which are permitted are Pinot Noir & Pinot Meunier. 

Champagne Michel Gonet

Champagne Michel Gonet



It was snowing the day that we went to the town of Champagne which made the drive through the hills, plains, trees and vineyards even more breathtaking. As you drive through the town, you will see Champagne house after Champagne house. I tried to take pictures of as many as I could, especially on Avenue de Champagne. Champagne differs from wine in more ways than the bubbly. To be considered “champagne” it must meet the  French law which states that all champagne must spend at least 15 months aging in cellars, post bottling. At least 12 of the 15 months is spent maturing and this is when the dead yeast cells break apart adding flavor to the wine. Vintage champagnes means that it has been aging in the cellar for at least three years. It is not uncommon to find Champagnes that have been aged nine years or longer. Why do they age the Champagne? Aging causes the Champagne to have a golden color and the bubbles become softer.

Champagne Dauber

Cheers~ Champagne Dauber

 “If life brings you troubles, drink some Champagne, then your problems will just become bubbles…”~ author unknown





First stop, family owned Champagne Dauby!! Family owned wineries are night and day from commercial producers. Typically, at a family owned champagne house, the owner is present and is excited to share their family story with the visitors. They share what their most popular wines are and the meanings behind each name. At Dauby, some of the wines were named after their daughter. The family was very welcoming and communicated quite well in English; however, our guide was present to interpret as needed. We started out by heading down into the cellar. The cellars are naturally cool year round but not freezing. In fact, I was warmer down there than in the house! The owner stopped at each crate of champagne and explained the maturation process from first fermentation to recorking. The bottles are face down to the let the sediments settle in the neck.





After all of the sediments have settled Champagne goes through a process called disgorgement where they freeze the neck and a machine removes the particles which have formed a type of solid, frozen cylinder. Then, sugars are added and it is recorked. Absolutely fascinating! We learned that rosé Champagne is pink in color from extracting juice from the grape skins. I have to say the tour was highly educational. I am thankful we went to this winery first because I retained much more information at the beginning of the wine tasting tour than at the end of the day.  

Down she goes

Down she goes

La Cloche Hotel & Restaurant

La Cloche Hotel & Restaurant

Lunch time!!! After all those sips of Champagne, you will be ready for a bite to eat.

Mozzarella Salad

Mozzarella Salad

Not just any bite to eat though, amazing French cuisine at La Cloche Hotel & Restaurant located in Épernay. La Cloche is a modest 3-story inn located near the historic buildings of Avenue de Champagne! It the first time I have ever had fresh mozzarella with herbs on toast salad. Visit with the other guests on the tour from around the world. We were in Reims in December, which is a very cold time of year. It felt beyond cozy ducking into this warm restaurant where we were served hot, fresh bread and baked chicken with a French sauce along with vegetables.







Final stop, Mercier! Mercier is commercial-scale Champagne house. Of course, we had topose for pictures outside upon arrival. Then we were guided into a small theater viewing room where we watched a short film about the history of Mercier. Next we were in an elevator going 30 meters down to an underground cellar. Once we stepped outside of the elevator, we were boarding a train ride through the cellar and caves. It is pretty over the top! It is a cross between Disneyland and Champagne tasting. The guides tell about the story of the giant barrel that took over 10 years to build abd holds 200,000 bottles of wine. The barrel was transported to the Paris Exposition in 1899 and was one of the biggest highlights, with the exception of Gustave Eiffel’s Tower.

All aboard

All aboard

After the champagne tasting, there is an opportunity to purchase champagne and gift sets. They will ship to your destination. Great experience, but very commercial.

Moulin Rouge!!! The Most Famous Cabaret in the World! A Must See

Moulin Rouge

Moulin Rouge

“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return” ~ Christian, Moulin Rouge!

Moulin Rouge 1900

Moulin Rouge 1900

When I began planning a trip to Paris, people kept telling me that I had to visit Moulin Rouge. Why is Moulin Rouge so famous and intriguing? I became increasingly interested in the Féerie, a French theatrical genre incorporating fantasy, visuals, and lavish scenery. I heard all kinds of things from snakes in tanks to live ponies. Some warned that it was in a bad part of the city. I really wasn’t sure what to expect and was contemplating taking my mom, but still really didn’t quite know what exactly it was. There is a strict rule of no photography inside which simply adds to the mystery. I won’t spoil it for you by recapping the show, but I will say it is a MUST SEE! While the dancers are topless during much of the production, it is very tasteful and entertaining for all adults. Experience 60 artists as they sparkle and perform for 2 hours on stage wearing unbelievable costumes of feathers, rhinestone and sequins. What used to be considered a run down part of town, is now full of restaurants and night clubs offering an array of shows and entertainment. I just got chills thinking of the history and many people who have entered Moulin Rouge such as~ Edward VII, Frank Sinatra, Ray Charles, Tony Curtis, Jerry Lewis, Jeanne Aubert and many, many more.

Poster by Jules Chéret, 1890

Poster by Jules Chéret, 1890

I can’t tell you how many times I have said “Moulin Rouge” and people respond by saying, “Oh, I saw that movie”. Moulin Rouge is a screenplay which is based on a 1950 novel by Piere La Mure about the life of artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. In 1952, Moulin Rouge was made into a film and, more recently, in 2001 starring Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor which was nominated for 8 Oscars. The story is about an artist and is set in the Bohemian district of Paris in the late 19th century. Moulin Rouge which translates to “Red Mill” was known as a burlesque palace. Moulin Rouge club is famous for it’s red windmill on the roof that lights up at night and the decor exuding romance. Moulin Rouge introduced French can-can to the world which evolved into European cabarets. The Moulin Rouge was created by Joseph Oller who was Spanish and lived in Paris for most of his life.

Fun facts: Moulin Rouge opened it’s doors in the fashionable district of Montmartre the same year that the Eifell Tower was constructed in 1889. This marked a period of peace, rich culture and optimism. Christina Aguilera, Pink, Lil’ Kim and Mýa all filmed music videos at the Moulin Rouge.

Tickets: Buy tickets in advance! The line is ridiculously long year round and the shows sell out. Purchase Moulin Rouge tickettickets from your hotel concierge or even on line before you arrive. We booked our tickets through a company called Paris Trip. The company picks up guests at any central Paris hotel location, drives them to the door of the Moulin Rouge and then picks the guests up and returns them to their hotel immediately after the show. This is the way to go! Our driver even took pictures of us in front of the club. We were there in December and it looked very crowded and would be difficult to find parking. We had first class service as the driver walked us to the front of the line. Our driver’s name was Hervé and he was the best tour guide we had the entire 16 days spent in Europe. Check out their site at

Moulin Rouge, Dec. 2014

Moulin Rouge, Dec. 2014

“Come what may. I will love you until my dying day.”~ Moulin Rouge

$$ Saving Tips: Moulin Rouge tickets are sold as dinner & show or just the show. You can also find some matinee dates offered. We purchased an evening show which came with a bottle of champagne. After speaking with several guests who paid for the dinner & show, concierge staff and tour companies, we decided to do the show without the dinner. It would be a nice date night to include dinner. We went out to dinner on our own and then enjoyed the fabulous “Féerie”!!

#livelife, #seetheworld, #explore, #global, #getyourtravelon

Escaping to St. Tropez, French Riviera

Europe - 61 St Tropez

St. Tropez, France


Italian Macaroons

Upon returning to the Mediterranean, there was one place I had to see- St. Tropez!!!!! I watched the Forbes top 10 destinations for millionaires and sure enough, St. Tropez was listed. Then I said to myself- I am going there! You don’t have to be a millionaire to see St. Tropez, maybe to sail there on a yacht but not to visit. My husband and I had an amazing day in St. Tropez with memories to last a lifetime. It is exactly as I had pictured it to be, picture perfect with sail boats, yachts, fancy clothes, jewelry stores, bistros, pastries in the windows, beautiful women and very clean. There are plants and flowers growing up the sides of the homes, shutters and hotels. I loved our day in St. Tropez!!!

Europe 356

St. Tropez

While in St. Tropez, the 2012 Giraglia Rolex Cup was underway.  The inshore racing took place with the event’s international fleet. In all there were a hundred yachts, divided into two groups. We viewed Maxi yachts which are larger boats measuring over 60-feet.

Be prepared to see women without bikini tops. They were working on the sail boats, prepping for the race in bikini bottoms only. It is a sight to see watching the people get off of the yachts dressed in extremely high fashion clothes. The kids had large hats, linen pants and leather loafers. St. Tropez is truly a world of it’s own.

History: The port was used frequently in the 18th century. In 1789 it was visited by 80 ships. Saint-Tropez’s shipyards built tartans and three-masted ships that could carry 1,000 to 12,200 barrels. The town was known for various associated trades, including fishing, cork, wine, and wood. In 1860 the floret of the merchant marine, named “The Queen of the Angels” visited the port.

Port Grimaud

Port Grimaud

At the end of September, a regatta is held in the bay of Saint-Tropez, Les Voiles de Saint-Tropez. This is a draw for many yachts, some up to 50 meters in length. Many tourists come to the location for this event, or as a stop on their trip to Cannes, Marseille or Nice.

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Port Grimaud boat ride

We headed to Port Grimaud for a boat ride around the gorgeous, colorful vacation homes.

Boat ride through the canals

Boat ride through the canals

Port Grimaud is a charming village which is built in Provençale style on a network of canals. It is full of character and atmosphere as any village on the Riviera, including a typical market held twice a week.

The local restaurants can be reasonably priced with their ‘plat du jour’ menus. From Port Grimaud, there is a regular boat service to St. Tropez – perhaps the most famous of all the towns – with its harbor and colorful artists, its ancient winding streets and alleyways, pavement cafés and bars, and inviting restaurants. In both Port Grimaud and St. Tropez, water sports are well to the fore. You can enjoy water-skiing, sailing, snorkeling and scuba-diving or just laze about on a pedalo.

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Restaurant in St Tropez

$$ saving tips: The short boat ride through the canals on Port Grimaud is only 5€!!!! It’s the best deal in St. Tropez. Take pictures as you sail along and listen to the tour guide share information about the area. I remember that each home comes with a personal boat parking space and they are all vacation homes, not permanent

Shops in St. Tropez

Shops in St. Tropez

residences. If you are in St. Tropez just for the day, I highly recommend booking a tour which includes the port, bay, shopping and lunch. The shopping is extremely pricy in St. Tropez and therefore, I did not purchase anything. We ate at a fabulous restaurant and regrettably, I didn’t catch the name. As you can see from the picture, it was a stone building decorated in bright purple, orange and yellow. This is where we sipped rosé wine all afternoon. When booking a package deal, the restaurants are much more cost effective. You have free time to walk about and shop on your own.

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Shopping in St. Tropez

More on rosé wine: (from French: rosé also known as rosado in Portugal and Spanish-speaking countries or rosato in Italy) the wine’s pink color comes from incorporating some of the color from the grape skins, but not enough to truly be considered a red wine. Rosé may be the oldest known type of wine. The pink color can range from a pale “onion”-skin orange to a vivid near-purple, depending on the grape varieties used and winemaking techniques. There are three major ways to produce rosé wine: skin contact, saignée and blending. Rosé wines are made in several verities: still, semi-sparkling or sparkling and with a wide range of sweetness levels from bone-dry Provençal rosé to sweet White Zinfandels and blushes.

5wheelsto5star was featured in the March 2014 issue of Destinations Travel Magazine